Inspirational | Unique | Bespoke
Leadership training, workshops and talk add ons.
I have been delivering leadership training courses worldwide as part of my work as a leadership consultant.
I work with clients to bring about change in their internal culture, build their teams leadership abilities, self awareness & resilience. In addition to my depth of knowledge in this field, what makes me different is I can use my round the world race scenarios as a backbone to the training, to give it exciting context, create unique case studies and bring the text books to life. My courses are anything but dry!
After my talks I offer all clients Q&As but I can also run workshops and break out sessions. Please let me know your thoughts and requirements and I would be delighted to develop something with you to create real impact.
Typical after talk breakout sessions/Workshop examples include:
- Resilience
- Creating a motivational environment in my team
- Becoming an inspirational leader
- Creating and executing a strategy
- Confidence in Leadership
Delivering exceptional leadership and team building courses on the water.
For something unforgettable, bring your team onboard an ocean racing yacht with me (absolutely no sailing experience necessary) for an incredible team leadership experience. Taking training afloat has the potential to accelerate team bonds and learning far beyond what is achievable on land. The environment is both levelling and hugely empowering. The typically one day courses that I run afloat include:
- Strategy planning and execution (for boards or teams)
- High performance team culture
- Team development
- Leadership styles and behaviours
Coaching individuals or teams to deliver higher levels of performance in business and sport.
As a certified coach and top sailing instructor I help teams taking part in major race campaigns develop their high performance mindset, attributes and coach them to success. I am an experienced leadership/skipper mentor too.
I also deliver one-to-one coaching for team and individuals in business.